Yellow Moon -- Stone Outdoor Seating
Ahmedabad Gujarat, India
We think of Jaisalmer as being in a desert and most of the year it feels like that, under the burning sun. Nighttime offers some comfort. However, when you look under your feet and at all the buildings around you there is another story to be told. The glowing yellow stone on closer inspection reveals evidence of a very different landscape. Contained in the sandstone are fossils and remains of marine life that once lived in the sea that covered this area in geological time.
We found this magnificent piece of stone and decided it should be a bench so that one could get up close and personal with it. We gave it a simple geometry: a generous circle and a comfortable height. The soft edge and the tapering base allows for
ease of sitting in many ways. The surface has been honed to reveal its epic past. Constant use will soften it more,
creating moon-like reflections.
Cutting of stone
Making of the stone seating
Making of the stone seating
Project Details
Client -- CEPT University
Principal Designer -- Arthur Duff
Maneesh Kumar
Photographer -- Maneesh Kumar
Manufacturer -- Vishwakarma Furniture Udyog